07542 926011 [email protected]
Price: £5,000
Ref: AA.14.22
Item Description
A Fine North African Toe-Lock Silver Mounted Gun of Algerian craftsmanship. The gun is signed as the work of Muhammad and dated 1263 AH corresponding to 1846 AD. The workmanship involved in this gun is of similar exceptional quality as the silver mounted coral inlaid guns made by the same gunsmiths. Both types of craft became famous all over Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The gun is mounted with an exceptionally forged Damascus twist octagonal section sighted barrel stamped with an indistinct number on the top flat at the breech. The barrel is retained by five broad and one smaller barrel bands all embossed and chased with foliage. The back-sight is of silver and the tang is also covered with silver and chased with scrolling foliage.
The characteristic lock is engraved in its salient parts including the cock, frizzen and safety catch, with scrolls and foliate designs highlighted with panels of silver inlay engraved in a similar manner. The lock is signed and dated beneath the cock.
The contoured three-quarter hardwood stock is set with silver panels pierced and engraved with symmetrical designs of foliage secured by pins, including the triangular butt and the butt-plate with a border engraved silver strap. The button trigger is of silver and the gun retains its original wooden ramrod with its long embossed silver tip.
The moving parts are in fine working order. The barrel is 47.5 inches (120.5 cm) and overall the gun is 63 inches (160 cm) long.